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When You Can See Through Their Lies They Can No Longer Control You

    UKACTION – July 21st, 2022

    1 thought on “When You Can See Through Their Lies They Can No Longer Control You”

    1. Everything they tell you is a lie and is the exact opposite of the truth.
      The chess game between God and Lucifer for your souls has rules.
      The devil’s side, can only get you to destroy your souls and become his servant/slaves using 3 moves.
      1) LIES, 2) MINIONS already converted/ashkenazi, freemasonry.
      & 3) MONEY. That is why they bought all the doctors and hospitals to lie, with MONEY to lie about covid.
      Just take an example: They want you to eat crickets and bugs and worms, that is a lie.
      Turn it around to get the TRUTH. It is in the Bible: pestilence.
      They have already tested it, with mass infestations of cockroaches and Locusts/”crickets.
      The truth is: They want bugs crawling all over you and eating you.
      Parasites in the vaccines will eat you., made by Fauci.
      Their underground places where they are planning to farm Bugs, are not farms, they are the hellish torture chambers, underground , where they will put the starving and allow bugs to crawl over them and eat them. These “elite” are 33 degree masons: NOT HUMAN, at 33 degree, the spirits of the fallen angels, now reptilian demonic entities, want to recreate their spirit realm, home: hell on earth, before they return there and keep you there, forever, where there is no death, ever.
      All through history these reptilians have lived in the tunnels underground, which is why people thought Hell was below earth. It was. They brought the Bigfoot here as well, who serve them and get bodies and bring them underground. It is why in India, they built temples to God, over the tunnel entrances to keep the devils inside.
      The reason that Earth is unique and why the fallen Angels fell, is because some of them arrived a long time ago on Atlantis. They went to work on you humans back then, changing your DNA and making human animal hybrids. They created their minions also to lord over you, the askenazi, a race made up of the most evil DNA from the white, black (true Israelite/chosen people) brown and yellow races, and mixed it with their own reptilian DNA. That is why they were cast out of heaven, they made you DEVOLVE, the fall was devolution. Adam and Eve were not the first humans, they were the first Ashkenazi. They still worship the fallen angels as their creator Gods. They still believe they must rule over and lord over and control the gentiles, for the demonic reptilians. It is in their DNA.
      That is why they have different DNA, that the spike protein in the vaXXX, won’t harm.
      They have no free will, they are the devil’s minions. They gave the devil all his power, by doing his will. and by fooling you with LIES, using MONEY/freemasonry. I have to go

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