Mac Slavo – October 22nd, 2020

The mainstream media would like for you to believe that the “third wave” is here and we should all be cowering under our beds afraid of the “invisible enemy.” The new “third wave” supposedly saw an increase in 60,598 cases yesterday in the United States.
Based on the current U.S. population and how many have allegedly already been infected, that isn’t really all that many. As of Wednesday afternoon, there have been over 8,316,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the U.S. and at least 220,900 have died (if you believe these phony jacked-up numbers and PCR tests which are not supposed to be used as diagnostic tools), according to The New York Times database. The country is inching closer and closer to its July peak (75,687 cases), with a nationwide average of 60,160 cases per day, a 36 percent increase from the average two weeks earlier.
According to the Bulgarian Pathology Association, the PCR tests, which are being used to detect COVID-19 ar “scientifically useless.” So, therefore, so should all of this fear-mongering data thrown at us 24/7. But the facts aren’t getting in the way of the mainstream media’s fear campaign.
Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin are all reporting increasingly high rates of new infections, with healthcare workers saying that hospitals are “bursting at the seams” with new COVID patients.
North Dakota now has the most cases of coronavirus per capita in the country, according to the Times. It reported more than 1,000 cases on Tuesday, the state’s worst daily total yet. –People
That’s strange. When have we heard of overflowing hospitals before? Oh, that’s right, when the MSM was justifying the destruction of the middle class:
New York’s COVID-19 Field Hospital Dismantled After Treating ZERO Patients
Army’s Seattle Field Hospital Closed After 3 Days & Without Seeing A Single Patient
It’s mind-blowing how many people are still buying this.
Last week, Wisconsin health officials had to open up a field hospital at the state fairgrounds near Milwaukee to help treat the surge in COVID-19 patients in the state.
“We hoped this day wouldn’t come, but unfortunately, Wisconsin is in a much different, more dire place today and our healthcare systems are beginning to become overwhelmed by the surge of COVID-19 cases,” Governor Tony Evers said in a statement. “This alternative care facility will take some of the pressure off our healthcare facilities while expanding the continuum of care for folks who have COVID-19.” –People
They will ride this scamdemic until they can’t get away with it anymore. And it looks like people aren’t waking up to what’s really going on, so brace yourselves. The predictive programming is here and we were already promised the “darkest winter” and a chaotic election.