J6truth.org Published June 6, 2022
J6Truth Givesendgo
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J6truth.org Published June 6, 2022
J6Truth Givesendgo
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A carefully methodically planned event that the real perpetrators who calculatingly orchestrated this “insurrection” set up will use as a catalyst for the coming fake civil war. They will incite a civil war to destroy our constitutional rights, confiscate private property, especially gold and food and guns, during a lock-down and martial law. These events are not random or accidental. Everything was preplanned for long term goals that are so despicable, and therefore cannot otherwise be carried out without a very good fake excuse. Like everything these monsters seek to do, they first create patsys and events to make their changes to our nation and intentional ruin of our nation seem acceptable. These are the same people who killed JFK and brought in all the drugs, porn, deviant sex, and corruption of this once beautiful nation, the war mongers. Wars that destroy nations and genocide its populations. Then corrupt people’s souls, with new regimes. They are satanist/freemasons and evil demonic reptilians, without souls. They are at war with the creator. They are destroyers of Life itself. They are from Hell. They always set up before hand one or in this case many, innocent people as fall guys for their own crimes.