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The Secret Illuminati Covenant: Written by John D. Rockefeller (Full)

    ProjectCognition – September 30th, 2021

    They don’t hide it, it is just that it is so slight, so subtle that with the brainwashing that goes on most cannot see it. If you would like to download a copy of the secret covenant you can get it here:

    The Secret Illuminati Covenant: Written by John D. Rockefeller (Full)

    New World Order –
    Satanic Ritual Abuse –

    31 thoughts on “The Secret Illuminati Covenant: Written by John D. Rockefeller (Full)”

    1. John Gentry Canfield

      Thank you for this spoken version. It is interesting how much they’ve been able to accomplish since this was written; yet also how on target the Great Awakening has been to warn us of these plans. You’re actually very kind to post this. May God bless you.


    2. “This covenant must never EVER… be written of or spoken of…” While we watch a video that has a link to a pdf of the transcript below. Seems far fetched that an elite secret society would have a transcript of all their insidious plans available to the public.

        1. I notice as usual that the 20 million + Russians who were slaughtered are Not mentioned….Nor is the genocide and Horrific treatment of the American Indian…Nor the countless deaths during the brutal onslaught of Genghis Kahn…Nor the current millions of Children and women who were kidnapped raped tortured and murdered by the CIA during Project MK-Ultra and Project Monarch….
          I could go on and on with the many historic examples of the victims of the Hell Matrix that has been actively surrounding Planet Earth for the past 12,000+ Years since the Fall of Atlantis…
          So everyone needs to Wake-Up and Research the Real and Full Truth about the Bigger Picture of Planet Earth’s History…

    3. The Gentile people who join these jews, will regret it, not only will they end up in eternal Hell for that choice.
      Because at the end, in every satanic cult, this happens: the jews will kill every gentile in that cult, in horrible and sadistic ways such as skinning them alive.
      The same will happen in the end to all the high freemasons who are Gentiles,
      they will be murdered in a final satanic ritual, once they have served their purpose as useful idiots.
      Divide and conquer is what they do, in violent wars and and in the battle between God and the devil called freemasonry. And in the silent wars with quiet weapons such as vaXXXines
      Only the jews born without souls from a soulless mother will get the final rewards of wealth and power, promised to them long ago by Satan for their agreement.
      When Jesus refused Satan’s agreement, to be given all the wealth and power in the world if He would denounce God and accept Lucifer in his place, Jesus refused, (Mathew Chapter 4), the jews/ashkanazi tribe agreed to it, and proceeded with his plan to kill Jesus.
      They paid Judas who was one of them.
      They had Jesus arrested, and tried and called for Barabbas to be released in His place.
      They called for His blood to be on their hands, and on their children’s forever.
      They have worked as one unit for 2023 years to get their reward for that agreement with Satan.
      The end comes in 2023, it will all end in May.
      Where will you end up at the final judgement.
      That is all that should concern every gentile right now.
      “Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me.”
      [John 14:6]

      1. So Adolf Hitler was just being a GOOD GUY by murdering six million Jews? Well, what about the 200,000 Lutheran pastors he gassed or shot or worked to death? What about the innumerable children who were, for the most ridiculous of reasons or not (only SOME because they were deformed or imbecilic), that they tested their final solution on first? Adolf Hitler actually MURDERED some 30 million people, just in his own occupied territories, Poland included.) Not ALL Jews are or were Ashkenazi. Remember that. Someday, at the White Throne of Jesus Christ you’ll be reminded of that fact. I trust you will repent before you have to report to that meeting, because no human being leaves there for Heaven. Jesus(a Non-Ashkenazi Jew), Whom YOUR sins helped to nail to the Cross (the Jews condemned and rejected him, but the Romans, Gentiles, actually killed Him), rose again from the dead, proving His sacrifice for the WORLD’S SINS was acceptable to God, and now offers you, by simple Spirit-provided faith, to believe Him and call on Him as your Lord and Savior. Repent, friend, ere that day come upon you as a thief.

        1. Look up the CIA FOIA document dated June 15, 1976 that states Jewish groups demand that religion questions be removed from the census because it was discovered in the 1950 census there were 14 million illegal immigrants in America after the war. That there were 6 million more Jews in America than they admit to and says “Revelation of the true number of Jews in the U.S. would undermine the myth that Nazis killed 6 million jews.”

          Please let it sink all the way into your soul: EVERYTHING IS LIES. Including and especially the hollow cost stories. It’s how these murderers shut down their exposure.

    4. Regan had alzheimers early on, the holocaust was real, illuminati world dominance is real, depopulation is real and people who still have their heads in the sand is also real.

    5. Is there any verifiable proof that Rockefeller wrote this? I wouldn’t be surprised, but without proof, it’s just a conspiracy THEORY. I prefer to stay away from theories and share only true conspiracies. Thx.

      1. Did you even bother trying to look? Lazy people deserve to think everything’s a conspiracy theory because they’re too lazy to go look for five fucking minutes on a browser that’s not compromise to find a 1905 article in the New York Times by John D Rockefeller talking about the covenant. actually, you know what why don’t you go search it yourself, it took me less than five minutes to find it on uncompromised browser.

        1. A roman Catholic ceaser governed over what went into and what was left out of the Bibles so what is truth and what is not is ultimately up to the reader

        2. who really knows who cares its all fables and stories for those in need and-survival on the ever deleting planet will be devoured by the evils in charge along with us.

    6. I notice as usual that the 20 million + Russians who were slaughtered are Not mentioned….Nor is the genocide and Horrific treatment of the American Indian…Nor the countless deaths during the brutal onslaught of Genghis Kahn…Nor the current millions of Children and women who were kidnapped raped tortured and murdered by the CIA during Project MK-Ultra and Project Monarch….
      I could go on and on with the many historic examples of the victims of the Hell Matrix that has been actively surrounding Planet Earth for the past 12,000+ Years since the Fall of Atlantis…
      So everyone needs to Wake-Up and Research the Real and Full Truth about the Bigger Picture of Planet Earth’s History…

    7. Just do the math. There was a limited time frame that 6mil deaths took place. How long do bodies take to burn?
      How many oven where available?

      6million is a lot.
      Realistically wat number can you conceive.

    8. Funny how a lot of the comments center around arguing who, what and when instead of looking at the material evidence. Evil exists. The worse evil you can imagine. Just because you don’t believe it doesn’t make it go away. It may mean you’re a coward, though. I think it is very dangerous to choose to live in ignorance just because we can’t stand to fathom the things done in the name of Satan. This is Holy War. Sure, God wins but at least pray for the souls being sacrificed and trafficked—-they matter. We all matter.

    9. But this doesn’t mean all Jewish people need to be killed or die… this page is kind of antisemitic. Even if hitler saw something happening.. you think that killing everyone is the answer? Then all white men shouldve been dead in America in that case

    10. clay willliam anthony

      has anyone else had there entire life destroyed or had family talk about you getting committed saying your nuts? because that’s how my life has been sinc

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