“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of ‘Men who wanted to be left alone’.
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it
They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over
The moment the “Men who wanted to be left alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.
They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy…but it will fall upon deaf ears.”
~ Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper
The left, the elite the Freemasons, the satanists, the greedy, proud and inhumane who have left God, and all goodness, and their own souls, are beyond pitiful. They have chosen to be the enemies of God, his faithful, their brethren, “what you did to the least of these you did to me” God will say to them.
They have chosen to liars, fakes and frauds, for money and wealth and power.
However, they will be powerless, and terrorized, when the devil who they have chosen to serve, instead of God come calling for them, to take them to eternal Hell.
I pity them.
They will never know Heaven, God and his love, for all eternity.
They will live in darkness as the mercy of the fallen angels of Hell and their demons.
They have chosen the worst possibility, in the known universe, when they could have become blessed angels of Heaven, since they did not value the things not of this world, that have true value.
They have traded their alternative: heaven with Jesus Christ, for their bent and twisted values.
For the temporary, material and things of this world, that is soon coming to an end.
They will cry out in terror when they see what comes for them when they die, the devils that they have served for all the wealth, power and temporary pleasures of earth, that they can’t take with them, to HELL.
Possessed by demons, who control them and on that day when they cross over, will torment and torture them in the flames of Hell for eternity.
They will pray for death, but their is no death for we are all just consciousness that can never die.
The body dies, the soul can die, but the spirit/consciousness goes on forever.
You make of your consciousness truth or lies, they have chosen the lies:
That evil is good and good is evil.
LOVE, PEACE, Obedience to God’s commandments, and to Love your neighbor as Jesus loves you is the path to heaven.
Do not ever become like the enemies of God, our souls and all that is holy.
Do not follow the jews to eternal Hell.
You have a soul, and he jews hate you for that reason.
You can be with God in Heaven, they never can.
Never HATE, LIE, or FEAR.
Be a child of God made in his image.
The jews are made in the image of the fallen angels of Hell, they are demonic dark spirits.
Pity them.
“The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of ‘Men who wanted to be left alone’.
They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love
They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it
They know, that the moment they fight back, the lives as they have lived them, are over
The moment the “Men who wanted to be left alone” are forced to fight back, it is a small form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be
Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.
They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at the left’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy…but it will fall upon deaf ears.”
~ Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper
The left, the elite the Freemasons, the satanists, the greedy, proud and inhumane who have left God, and all goodness, and their own souls, are beyond pitiful. They have chosen to be the enemies of God, his faithful, their brethren, “what you did to the least of these you did to me” God will say to them.
They have chosen to liars, fakes and frauds, for money and wealth and power.
However, they will be powerless, and terrorized, when the devil who they have chosen to serve, instead of God come calling for them, to take them to eternal Hell.
I pity them.
They will never know Heaven, God and his love, for all eternity.
They will live in darkness as the mercy of the fallen angels of Hell and their demons.
They have chosen the worst possibility, in the known universe, when they could have become blessed angels of Heaven, since they did not value the things not of this world, that have true value.
They have traded their alternative: heaven with Jesus Christ, for their bent and twisted values.
For the temporary, material and things of this world, that is soon coming to an end.
They will cry out in terror when they see what comes for them when they die, the devils that they have served for all the wealth, power and temporary pleasures of earth, that they can’t take with them, to HELL.
Possessed by demons, who control them and on that day when they cross over, will torment and torture them in the flames of Hell for eternity.
They will pray for death, but their is no death for we are all just consciousness that can never die.
The body dies, the soul can die, but the spirit/consciousness goes on forever.
You make of your consciousness truth or lies, they have chosen the lies:
That evil is good and good is evil.
LOVE, PEACE, Obedience to God’s commandments, and to Love your neighbor as Jesus loves you is the path to heaven.
Do not ever become like the enemies of God, our souls and all that is holy.
Do not follow the jews to eternal Hell.
You have a soul, and he jews hate you for that reason.
You can be with God in Heaven, they never can.
Never HATE, LIE, or FEAR.
Be a child of God made in his image.
The jews are made in the image of the fallen angels of Hell, they are demonic dark spirits.
Pity them.