The Marshall Report – July 5, 2021
PROPAGANDA is a weapon that attacks the mind and is designed to destroy you by your own fear and thoughts. Are you ready to learn how to take back your mind and thoughts to stay in control and in the here and now? Then read on…
Gaslighting and propaganda is one of the chief weapons of sociopaths. And today, it is the weapon of choice being used by the globalist cabal and their media puppets to kill, steal, and destroy humanity. It isn’t new, it is the oldest weapon used throughout history, even from the beginning in the garden of Eden. It is now being exposed for the evil that it has always been! And there is something you can do about it! You have the power to stop it!
First of all, your brain can do nothing without your mind which can do nothing without your thoughts, which can do nothing without your heart and soul producing them. God has given you the power within to overcome the evils that attack your mind from the outside forces, even in the darkest hour of your life. It is the power that martyrs muster up in order to stand firm in the day of their calamity. It is what the Bible calls the power of faith. Science cannot understand it and they can’t override it…they can only attack it and diminish your attempt to use it. They do this by overloading your ability to think, feel and choose. It is an attack on your free will.
God gave man free will which is the ability to think, feel and choose. This is something that man cannot touch or alter physically, for God put this into the body through the soul, and spirit of life. Our emotions and body are alive through the spirit and soul, not through the brain, nor any other function. There is no such thing as brain dead, for the brain can do nothing on its’ own. It is a hub for the thoughts we feed to it via our mind which is a collection of what we think, feel and choose. Which we have control over what we think, feel and choose. Now we must learn how to stay positive with these choices by understanding how our faith works to overcome fear.
Man in his evil can only attack what you think and feel so you will choose wrongly. It goes hand in hand with temptation. An attack on your mind is a direct attack on your free will! This is why torture has been used throughout history. The goal is to break the person’s will to obey or tell secrets. Sometimes just the threat of torture will get one to fear and do what they are told. Fear and doubt is the opposite of faith. The Lord said fear not he who can destroy the flesh, but fear him who can destroy both the soul and the flesh. Man can not destroy your soul. Only God. This is a truth. Neither can man, nor the devil control your self will; they can only try to change the way you think, feel and choose.
During this plandemic and propaganda war we have all been affected by the mandates and crazy upset of our private and professional lives, our family inter-functions, our work place, schools, our social world live and virtual on social media. Being censored and fact checked for simply having an opinion has been a real eye opening experience and one that many simply don’t know how to walk through safely in their minds. Especially when simple tasks like going to the grocery store have become challenged with six foot distancing, mask mandates, sanitizing and supply shortages.
Meanwhile, fake media keeps feeding the masses lies and fear based lies such as, “We’re all going to die if you don’t take the jab!” That garbage is followed up with, “We’re all going to die even with the jab”. We watch in real life and in videos and see many people have gone mad acting out like psycho’s when they see someone who is not wearing a mask, or when they are not getting what they want. What is causing all the manic behavior?
It is a propaganda war created to attack the mind, playing on your emotions and it is designed to destroy you by your own fear and thoughts. The ones who created the plandemic all know this and they have designed the fear propaganda very strategically as part of their mind control program to lead the people like cattle with a herd mentality to the slaughter of their jabs, and new world order of control. Fear and chaos is the weapon of the day. So how do we combat the weapon they are using against us?
We tell each other to fear not and use the shield of faith to protect from the firy darts of the devil. But how do we do this? How do you teach someone how to actually do it? How do we learn how to use the things that are unseen? If we are unsure how to use the shield of faith…how can we use the rest of the armor? Let us look at how God wired us and when we see this…we will have taken a GIANT LEAP FORWARD!
We have a super power called the Holy Spirit and a soul that operates independently from the propaganda thrown at us. When we step away from pseudo science and learn how God put our body together, you will be amazed at how you can learn to fear not!
On a personal note: As what happens a lot, the Lord led me to discover this new person named Dr. Caroline Leaf. I was amazed at her explaination on how our mind and brain works and how to use it. I was especially intrigued when I listened to realize that what she has said to do are things I have always automatically done to stay focused. It was innate and I contribute that to the Holy Spirit. But the self talk and self analysis I found astounding that I have been shown to do this and always thought it was just my crazy way of thinking. Daring not to share it with only but a few people ever. Because it went against the mental health norm and sounded like denial. But, to me it was always a knowing and faith. Now I have been vindicated. I’m sure many of you have also done these same things. For those who have faith, you will understand what she is saying and now you will have some extra insite and tools to keep strong. And the tools to help others become strong and awake from the mind control.
Meet Dr. Caroline Leaf
Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Since the early 1980’s she has researched the Mind-Brain connection and did some of the initial research back in the late 80’s showing the neuroplasticity of the brain. During her years in clinical practice and her work with thousands of underprivileged teachers and students in SA and Africa as a Communication Pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist, she developed an original theory of how we think as well as tools and processes that have transformed the lives of patients with Traumatic Brain Injury and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, learning disabilities, autism, dementias, emotional mental health issues and has shown thousands of students and adults and corporations how to use their mind to detox and grow their brain.
Her passion is to help people see the power of the mind and the link between science and God as a tangible way of controlling their thoughts and emotions, learning how to think and learn and finding their sense of purpose in life. Her website is