Cristina Laila – Published December 7, 2020 at 1:10pm

Dr. LaTulippe
Dr. Steven LaTulippe’s license was revoked by the Oregon Medical Board over his refusal to wear a face mask during the Covid pandemic.
LaTulippe spoke at a “Stop the Steal” rally in Salem outside of the State Capitol on November 7 and said the Coronavirus is similar to a “common cold.”
The medical board deemed the doctor “a serious danger to the public health and safety” and revoked his license.
Dr. Tulippe said politicians are using Covid as a vehicle to shut down the American people and encouraged everyone to take off the “mask of shame.”
“The purpose was only to shut down the American people,” LaTulippe said at a rally on Nov. 7th. “This is a threat to your freedom, a threat to our Constitution. I petition all of you, please, take off the mask of shame. It is a mask that is just designed to control you and to shut you down.”
On December 3rd, the Oregon Medical Board voted to indefinitely suspend LaTulippe’s license.
NBC News reported:
[On] Dec. 3, the Oregon Medical Board issued an emergency suspension after finding that LaTulippe “engaged in unprofessional conduct or dishonorable conduct,” online records show.
According to the emergency suspension, LaTulippe in July allegedly told a patient who asked for guidance on when to get tested for the coronavirus that asymptomatic people should not be tested and that wearing a mask does not prevent transmission. LaTulippe directed the patient not to self-isolate because being around other people would provide immunity from Covid-19, according to the state board’s documents.
The medical board also found that LaTulippe and his staff refused to wear masks in the clinic and urged patients to remove their own masks. Medical board investigators who visited LaTulippe said there were no screening procedures upon entering the premises and no hand sanitizer was available in the waiting area.
As a result of these findings, the medical board ruled that LaTulippe “constitutes an immediate danger to the public, and presents a serious danger to the public health and safety.”
The suspension prevents LaTulippe from practicing medicine in Oregon.
We now know that Covid-19 has the same mortality rate as the flu and studies show masks do not prevent infection.
In fact, a massive Danish study recently published confirmed face masks do not work and may be dangerous.