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Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor March 29, 2023 – March 30th, 2023

    Colonel Douglas Macgregor (Retired):
    Judge Andrew P. Napolitano:
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    “We have killed integrity in the military, it just doesn’t exist.”
    Colonel Douglas Macgregor

    Russia Ukraine China And U.S. – A New Puzzle – Colonel Douglas Macgregor.

    United States and worldwide Geopolitics analysis.
    Russia Ukraine conflict latest news update with
    Douglas Macgregor, Colonel U.S. Army (Retired), Ph.D.

    4 thoughts on “Judge Napolitano Interviews Colonel Macgregor March 29, 2023”

    1. What a crock all wars are.
      Here is the truth:
      All war is depraved and satanic.
      Russia and China are Isreal’s whores.
      It is about the jewsih private central banks: Gentiles killing gentiles and jews profiting off that and stealing what remains, as their own to rebuild as their own.
      Don’t believe the lies that the Russian and Chinese are not one and the same.
      They HATE all Christians.
      It was from 1917 until the late 1990s that the Russians imprisoned, tortured and killed Christians and would not allow the Bible. It was illegal and punishable by prison and torture.
      (Dimitru Duduman: “amercian will burn”)
      In China it was the same. There is no freedom of any religion in China:
      The jews that own and run and made Russia and China want the same to be outlawed in Israel, they just won’t do it yet to keep up the mask they wear to the west. But they will when they usher in the jew world order of Satan.
      Read about it at The Information Portal of the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group;
      The Russians are deranged and so are the Chinese.
      They do what their evil jewish masters tell them.
      They are not saving Donbass, they are torturing people there.
      They even torture, kill and eat their dogs:
      Nazilinsky did not leave Ukraine because he and Putin are working together to achieve the same evil goal, he has nothing to fear. He spends all his time and all the MONEY he is supplied with on drugs with tranny prostitutes. Meanwhile the gentile soldiers have nothing to fight a war with: no supplies at all.
      They both Russia and Nazilinsky want the Ukrainian soldiers to die.
      They want the gentile Ukrainian people and their pets to die, so the jews can take the profit of their suffering and pain like the jew sadists they are.
      They are working hand in hand with the jew Nazilinsky, together they want to destroy and eliminate all Ukrainian people, take their land and make it Jew-kraine; and then go on to do the same to the rest of the world. All our heads of sate world wide are in on this con game, working with the jews and Israel and the private jew banks that are the illuminati, that created and own Israel, because every head of state is a 33 degree mason, placed there by the bankers, their bosses.
      America, Europe, Australia and Canada are already slated to surrender and lose ww3.
      They are the henchmen of the jews to bring on the jew world order.
      The WHO and the WEF and all the greedy doctors (hit men paid to kill by Vaxxxines) are all in on this scam.
      The jews want to steal and own the entire earth so they can destroy it in a satanic ritual consecrating the entire earth to Lucifer. It is what they do in every war, and every war comes for the private jewish Bankers who are Luciferians. War is a satanic ritual. War needs to be outlawed forever.
      The private jewish owned central banks need to be outlawed and the Bankers arrested for adenochrome is their only and all reason to exist, besides doing the evil bidding of Lucifer.
      Putin’s best friend is the head of the Chabad Lubavitch mafia.
      Putin is a jew and fakes that he isn’t.
      Russia and China are just con artists.
      They are playing you with all the anti NWO BS.
      They are both the birthplace of the jew world order.
      They are so deranged they will soon invade the world and use nukes on the world.
      They want to make the entire world belong to Satan.
      WW3 is brewing in Ukraine and Taiwan and they are all in on it together along with the freemasonic leaders of the free world, that may not be free much longer.
      All wars are jewsih cons. There is no sane excuse for this violence and destruction.
      The Bible tells us: “Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good.” Romans 12:21
      Overcome lies with the truth, violence with peace and hate with Love, vengeance with forgiveness.

    2. The Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Friday approved a previously negotiated financial package for Ukraine worth USD 15.6 billion, spread over four years.
      The approved loan is the largest aid package granted to Ukraine and at the same time the first major loan that the IMF grants to a country engaged in active hostilities.
      All the money and weapons pouring into the yid controlled Jukraine, is going to be used for the jew owned Russians and the jew owned Chinese to march into Greece, Italy, Finland all Europe and sink Britain with the radioactive tsunami.
      The jews are laughing at the west, because you are paying money for your own future annihilation. The Jukraine war is a scam and Nazilinsky and Putin are working a con on the west. You are truly stupid enough to fall for it, and are responsible for your own stupidity.
      They will also destroy Amercia, Canada and Australia with the money you send to Nazilinsky in this fake, fraud, con game of a WAR. Your own leaders are in on the entire freemasonic SCAM.

    3. truth giving spirit

      It is true, Jesus and Satan are in a battle, one you decide the outcome for each one of you individually.
      However Satan is on a mission from Lucifer to end all the Christian Catholic Church of Jesus Christ world wide. This con game of Ukraine being attacked by Russia is a set up. The outcome they desire is that Russia and China will invade all the Christian Nations first being Amercia, and once they invade they will persecute all Christians and all religions. The Churches will be destroyed and closed forever.
      They will first burn the Vatican to the ground and end the Orthodox Church in Greece, and in all the slovic nations when they march to the west through Europe. They must demolish all Christianity in the entire world to win the battle. The Mark of the beast is crucial, to the devil’s victory. With the mark comes a contract that makes the recipient of the mark deny Jesus Christ and pledge all allegiance to Satan. They must acknowledge Satan as their God and denounce Jesus Christ, God the father, and the Holy spirit, the entire Trinity. That is what will come after the short Nuclear War. God sent Andrew Yang to be the proper President of the USA, had he succeeded, none of this would be happening. The economy would not fall with basic income. Money would be flowing through the economy. Americans have chosen the wrong path.
      They are going to regret falling into the devil’s snare. It will be more evil and bloody than all the wars before. Billions will die. There is still time to change the future. The final outcome of this battle between God and Your savior Jesus, and the devil and their jews, will be decided by all the gentiles, each one will make the choice of who they serve, God or the devil by the end. For some they will earn their heavenly reward. Please Pray that all the gentiles who are the children of God will return to God and help him win this battle against the devil and his minions the jews.

    4. Christian Nations you say…!!!! , Christian revival in Russia now exceeds a now mostly Atheistic america and Putin ain’t burning bibles either (although communist China certainly is..). You cannot be a Democrat voter and call yourself Christian as the democrat party is 100 % anti Christian in every policy they embrace. Half the Republicans are in line with Satan as well, ironically leaving only the MAGA faction ( all branded by most as extremists..??!!) standing in the way of the extermination of Christianity in America, The Chinese or Russians don’t have to invade, the destruction is generated from within, helped along by millions of go along to get along, gullible, naive trusting, and generally a perversely willfully ignorant and delusional general population whos minds are programed by state controlled main stream media and main stream Hollywood, with few exceptions ( i.e. like Tucker Carlson etc.)

      Moving on

      Are you freaking kidding…Andrew Yang the rightfull president!!! Every 2020 presidential primary dem candidate except Tulsi Gabbard should have been executed for high treason. Let’s just name the culprits rather than brand them all as Jews. There are many thousands of Jewish people, not just the gentiles ( for those not familiar with the bible that means non jew) , who are red pilled. Anybody can enroll into Satan’s army. Go after the top leaders in Satan’s army like Klaus Schwab, George Soros, the Rothschild/Rockefeller banking monopolists ,-who change thier last names to hide thier hideous linage, the entire Biden administration and most of all the bought a paid for corrupt western leaders, ( such as Justin Castrudeau). Don’t leave out the satanic take over of the climate change religion, who urgently and very hypocritical want famine , viruses and war to wipe out the evil man kind to preserve mother earth. Plus the over the top extremist trajectory of the LGBTQ+ movement integrated into tyrannical governments where kids are being heavily encouraged by the state to go through chemical castration without thier parents knowlege, and then the antics of BLM and Antifa whom themselves are the most extreme racists and Nazis imaginable in thier behaviours which are endorsed by the tyrannical satanic government led by .. who could of guessed.. democrats!!.
      All the before mentioned lot, including corporate collaborators, especially the lobbyists for the military industrial complex who promote war (military manufacturers and the military itself do have a rightful purpose in society but not when controlled by a tyrannical state), and other for profit corporations invested into malfeasance against humanity in collaboration with the state (such as Blackwater), whether they want to admit it or not, or so delusional they are not even aware of their dark allegiances, are the front line foot soldiers in Lucifer’s current army

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