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    STRANGER THAN FICTION NEWS Published June 4, 2022



    1. Depopulation. Plain and simple. The jab hasn’t taken out as many as they wanted and people won’t fall for the Monkeypox scam. Saw that in the USA by 2025 population would drop 70%. Other countries were listed not as many elsewhere, a few populations will increase.

    2. The beings in Roswell, that were shot down by the military and executed. Were once human people.
      These “aliens” came back in time (space travel and time travel are the same thing). They returned to the past to show people what the reptilians turned them into, what the DNA changing so-called Vaccines the chips in the hand and brain will turn those who survive the biowarfare, into. They were part human but not human, with all the changes they plan to do to us. They tried to warn people. They tried to save you, but the military, shot them down and killed them and covered it up. The military is 100% with the Reptilians, so is the government. Why? Because they wanted technology from the reptilians. Technology that will be used to make the human race into creatures like the grey, a slave race, of robot-trans-humans. Things. They were the inspiration for the movies called the matrix. Fortunately, God will intervene this time. The worst thing we are facing is the coming loss of the earth’s magnetic field. Climate change is due to that, and due to what they put in the Sun to kill it. It is dying. It will go dark, and before it does, it will rain fire upon the earth. Russia is becoming the new North pole. The earth is in a slow motion pole shift already. When the black sun arrives, the magnetic field of the earth will be gone. The whole earth will burn when this black sun, that emits cold thick darkness, but is fire and ice at the same time, envelopes the entire earth. No one is going to survive. What is important is this: before that happens, you must not allow them to turn you into those ugly misshapen new robots slaves they want you to become. You must stop it. Everyone is going to leave the earth, the question is: will you leave with the beings of heaven, or the beings of Hell who turned you into their new slave creations to serve them. As it stands because you have allowed the evil reptilians to already enslave you with their money system and now their technology, most of you will follow them to eternal Hell. It is time to resist and rebel against satan, or you will never know what heaven is. You worshiped the reptilians and gave them power and let them control you, so that you devolved into beings made in their image and forgot about God who originally made you in his image. It is over now. Each individual will choose who they serve when the end comes in 2023. God or the reptilians. The elite, the freemasons, the illuminati (trump and Biden are both 33 degree) have already chosen the devil, they serve the devil. The pretense, that they are 2 opposing sides is a trick. They pretend to be at war with one another and allow you to depend on one or another to make your choices for you that way. BUT what really happens is that they work secretly together to divide and conquer. Because that always works for the devil. You need to unite as those who are the blessed, the poor, the children of God and reject the wealthy, powerful and the elite and know that the reptilians who own and run the money system, gave them all their wealth, power and elitism in exchange for their souls and allegiance to the devil. You must choose God or money. The entire money system will collapse very soon around October. Before the reptilians came, you lived as brothers, communities and families in love of God and for each other, in a paradise on earth. You lived as Christ had to return and re-teach you to live. If you can’t understand what I just said, there is no hope for you at all. If you can’t understand that money is slavery, you are hopeless, and will be lost from God forever.

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