‘Fauci makes a mockery of his ‘mask wearing’ and ‘social distancing’ recommendations’
While people around the world are under constant threat of fines, lockdowns, self-isolation and even jail time struggle to conform to dictatorial mandates predicated by Fauci, Gates & the like, Dr. Fauci was caught enjoying a game of baseball with complete disregard to his own recommendations. No mask. No social distancing. No worries.
After being caught without his mask on and seated between two people, the internet erupted with commentary about the hypocritical display.
“Thanks for the lesson doc!” tweeted a former NYT reporter.
Investigative journalist Jordan Schachtel noted Fauci ignores his own social distancing and mask recommendations when he thinks cameras are not rolling.
Making a very good point, one woman wrote, “So he wore a mask to throw out a pitch, when no one was closer than 60 feet. Removes his face diaper when chatting with someone sitting beside him. What a phony.”
Another user asked people to “caption” the photo.