Really Haunted – May 25, 2022
This is another crazy night of paranormal activity. After trying to ignore this demon for close to 2 weeks i have changed direction. I feel the demon/poltergeist sees my submissiveness as weakness, that’s why its been able to take over a few times. Last time i constantly challenged the demon/poltergeist , that’s how its going to be from now.
The day i saw the medium who claimed that i had some sort of ability which is drawing these spirits to me. On the kinect cam i am attacked by the poltergeist. i just saw a big black shadow coming towards me and while moving back i fell over the sofa. i was left with a lot of scratches on my neck.
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##### Like all ghost hunting shows this footage should be treated as for entertainment purposes only. These are our personal experiences living in a haunted house and haven’t been validated by any scientific institutions. #####
Checkout Lee’s Youtube Channel: Really Haunted