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Bluetooth signals from beyond the grave. Covid19 shot Bluetooth signals in the graveyard!

    Jim Crenshaw – May 16th, 2022

    Dead men may indeed tell tales. They can broadcast a Bluetooth signal. That is pretty creepy. I can hear it now, police will be using this to find the bodies of murdered people. Holy crap.
    Source: In4mation

    4 thoughts on “Bluetooth signals from beyond the grave. Covid19 shot Bluetooth signals in the graveyard!”

    1. Here is a nurse
      showing the same thing on her own vaccinated arm in 2021
      Do they want to track people so that none escape their genocide?
      Will they send drones to kill them?
      Or will they hunt people like the predators they are?
      Very soon when the Black Sun approaches, all technology will be wiped out.
      Then the elite NWO psychopaths, will be hunted by creatures even more demonic than they are.
      They will be sent to a Hell that perfectly mirrors the truth of the evil they do.
      Hell itself is coming for them, and no bluetooth is required.

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