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97% of the time Chemotherapy does not work – the fraud of Chemotherapy

    Jim Crenshaw – July 18th, 2022

    Poison your body with radiation and and toxins to kill a toxic situation. Makes perfect sense right?
    Source: Wil Paranormal

    2 thoughts on “97% of the time Chemotherapy does not work – the fraud of Chemotherapy”

    1. I have always realised that Big Pharma is the most powerful criminal organisation on earth. Much more deadly than the Mafia.

    2. All of the time, throughout history, every area of earth have had shamans, who knew the correct way to heal every illness with naturally available cures, plants, prayer, mind over matter, nutritional plants, and energy healing. But most of all they had the God force energy to cast out demons.
      They developed healing measures that did not kill or harm or poison their patients. They used Love.
      God spoke through them and God sent his healing energy through them. They had the knowledge of medicinal plants. They did not get their sadistic pleasure from torturing and experimenting on animals like the sadistic, satanic, AshkeNAZI so-called healers of today do. You cannot heal with poisons and hate and greed. The entire allopathic medical industry, relies on POISONS and experiments giving poisons to animals in “research” which is in TRUTH satanic rituals on animals and later on human beings, which brings demons and demonic energy of destruction of life. As long as they NEVER cure diseases, but only “treat them” to get rid of symptoms, while causing worse illness, in the long run, that they call “side effects”, they can keep the money rolling in. If you don’t cure disease, it progressess into worse diseases and life time medical “care”. More MONEY for them. They are ASHKENAZIS, hybrid humans the devil created.
      They use their hollywood and their TV to make people want to be sick, being a cancer “victim” makes you more loved in all their propaganda drams. They use the food industry to poison you with poisons, while robbing you of nutrician which causes disease. Chemtrails cause disease. Atheism they push, causes disease. ONLY GOD can cure the diseases mental and Physical that the devil=ashkeNAZIS give you. It all began in Europe. They come from Eastern Europe., Khazaria. They went to western Europe after robbing and killing European Travelers and stealing their identities.
      Their stealing, led to Their Banking Industry. The Power of the Rothschilds came form robbing people of their gold and making a need for banks, their banks where you could deposit gold from your bank then travel, and retrieve it from a foreign bank instead of carrying it with you, and being robbed. It was a can, the robbers and the bankers worked in tandem. Like they always do. The asknenazi work for their creator god’s the ones who created them from their own DNA=Reptilian fallen angel DNA. They altered them and made them hybrids. That is why they hate God and all gentiles. You are not what they are, not created from their Gods who they believe are superior, because they are made in their image and likeness, not the image and likeness of our God, the true creator of the human race.
      They infiltrated the Vatican in the middle ages until a few Ashkenazim became Popes. Only when they were popes did the Inquisitions happen. It is so Jewish. They targeted those who were most close to God, the HEALERS/SHAMEN and they tortured and killed them so the Ashkenazim could replace them. that is where all allopathic medicine and all its poisons and lies and fake false cures and germ theories and satanic practices ORIGINATED. Poisons as cures was invented.
      They trick you. The definition of a Hollowcost survivor is anyone who merely existed and lived during the period when ashkenazis were targeted as the enemies of God, all that is Holy and our souls.
      The big hollowcost LIES were the doorway from which all this evil, the murder of JFK, the drugs, and porn, deviant sex and atheism took its total hold over the people of God, our God and started turning everyone into a satanist abortion demanding wana be jew, like they are now. Once you deny God is your God and accept the ashkenazis and their lies as truth, you are no longer with God, you made your choice to belong to their Gods the demonic reptilian fallen former angels who are now demonic entities from Hell.
      The people who accept those demons will get sick, very sick physically and mentally.
      Anyone who joins the Antichrist, believes their lies and do not recognize them as the children of the devil, the synagogue of satan that they are, who call themselves jews but are not, NO LONGER BELONG TO GOD the true God.
      This world is ending soon, but it has always been a world of a certain time, since Christ, appeared, to separate (the lid sheep from the goats) those who are evolving higher into Christlike beings of Truth, Peace, Love and forgiveness, who harm no other life, rather benefit and co-operate with all other life God created. The ashkenazis, one being JUDAS, only worship themselves as God, as did the fallen angels. The devolve lower and lower out of and become the opposite of God, our God, the God of all gentiles. They never forgive, they are vengeful and violent and cruel and they hate, fear and need to destroy all life around them by dominating and controlling it and torturing it and they do not allow any free will but their own.
      They invented the elite, the NWO and the great reset, and all other machinations of the devil, to own and control you all, to make their kingdom of Hell on earth, with you as their victims. They compete against, they only know the total absence of peace. They are single minded, either a master or slave, no other relationships exist for them. Either victimizer or victim.
      Everything they do, everything they infiltrate, even if formerly good becomes EVIL. Like the USA.
      Their Allopathic SATANIC medicine, does not cure. It creates more and worse diseases.
      There is a religion called Christian Science, that does not rely on the askenazium hybrid reptilians and their poisons to heal. They heal with God our God the God of the Gentiles, with scripture and prayer. They have no physical or mental illness they can’t cure. They do not need the devil to fake cures and take all their money. They are one with God.
      All disease comes from the jews, and their poisons, the robbers and the Rothschilds worked in tandem to create their luciferian banking system which is and has always been secretly in fact Freemasonic SATANISM. Satanism is their RELIGION. The Fallen angels are their creator Gods who made them with their own DNA as Hybrid humans.
      When they experiment on animals and do research, it is SATANISM. They invented ABORTION as a SATANIC rite. They were he first tomake abortion legal in the 1930’s in communist Russia. All diseases come from those satanic rituals on animals and humans, from their Gods, the devils of Hell.
      The more you accept the jews and their perverted sex drugs and music, entertainment, and media lies, the more you become one with them. You will become totally detached from the true God of the Gentiles. A true Gentile has no ashkenazi DNA. The Ashkenazim want to take all of you to Hell, to serve at the very BOTTOM of the pyramid, so they don’t have to themselves. They are pure evil. There are no jews in heaven,
      They cannot convert to Christianity. God did not create them, they have no souls. adding reptilan DNA to any human makes them soulkles and no longer human, unable to ever evolve higher.
      If you join them and accept all the evil they push on you to accept, you will belong to the devils that created the jews. You will lose your souls and devolve into demons of hell yourselves after this world ends very soon.
      The great reset is Armageddon, the final end of this sorting out of who is with God and who is with the devil. If you accept the jews and do not see the truth that they are the devil, then you willl spend eternity under them in rank in Hell for eternity. That is what they are working towards with the great reset. To change your DNA with VaXXXines, forced vaXXXines that will alter your DNA and remove your human genes and replace them with their own demon genes.
      This is the final test before the final judgement and so far you are failing, the reason for it is you believed the LIES of the hollowcost, and all the subsequent lies of the jews as they quietly took power over you, to totally subjugate you in ww3, with a global collapse of the money system they control, starvation and then (working in tandem) offering a “fake cure”, the mark of the beast system/communism, which is satanic Hell on earth.
      This earth is unique, you wer the victims of the fallen anges. In the rst of the universe there is no fight in others between “good and evil” only good. You had Christ and a one time oppertunity to return to good only. The past 2000 years. All wars and all evil comes from them. All your prsent day technology came from them. It has all been their war against what is of God.
      Until you are NOTHING, like the jews, you will never become human, gentiles again. Never exist like people do in the rest of God’s kingdom. Never be a part of it again. NEVER know God’s love again and be diseased and tortured with diseases and tortured like in the TOTALLY_JEWISH Inquisition in Hell for all eternity. Like they did in China and Russia, when the jews took over those nations with their communism. Like the neighbors of the Ashkenazim went through when the jews took over Israel. When you give them power, over you . Then you lose the power of God over you. To give Israel the holy land to the jews and allow (the CIA knew) them to infiltrate and take over the Vatican removed God from you. You are little by little casting God out of your life by replacing it with worship of the antichrist, the askeNAZI jews, and their synagogue of satan. It is not enough, to know God, you must also reject the devil. If you do not know that Hitler was Jesus returned for the final battle, which satan won, which is why you are all so despicably lost from God, and in the mess you are now in, you will never repent, seek forgiveness for that, or get to heaven, where there is no disease. God does not make disease. The jews make it with their satanic rituals and their poisons. All their poisons are lethal when given in enough dosage. They give you poisons for cancer and kill you with it. Poisons they could not give otherwise to less ill people and charge a fortune for it. Poisons so lethal that they have stockplied and just want to make money off. If you go to allopathic doctors or are one, you are practicing SATANISM. That is why they want to make it illegal not to do it.

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