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Where The Globe Earth Lie Came From

    Connect The Dots – April 24th, 2023

    Video by FLAT OUT TRUTH 2:

    1 thought on “Where The Globe Earth Lie Came From”

    1. All that false science and all the lies came from FREEMASONRY, which comes from the jews which come from and serve Lucifer.
      They needed to find a way to get more gentiles to join freemasonry.
      By giving the goyim all the lies about science they provided themselves with a lure to get gentiles to join the freemasons.
      They actually tell the Freemasons the truth about science, so they join to find out this truth that is dangled in front of them as a lure, each step in freemasonry they get a little more truth about the lies they made others, non freemasons accept as truth and believe.
      They will use these gentile freemasons only until they have helped them attain the goal of the jews.
      To outnumber the goyim, using poisons in the air, food, water, medicines and vaccines, wars, abortion,
      They are weakening and destroying gentiles in body, mind and soul, slowly.
      WW3 will be different, total genocide of the gentiles until the jews outnumber them.
      Until the gentiles can be controlled as robot slaves with vaccines containing nano technology, body and brain implants, biochips and 6G. Mostly by violence, torture imprisonment and starvation to force gentiles to do their will only and to never do God’s will. It will be an all punishment and no reward system suited to the jews complete depravity, lack of any conscience, empathy or compassion, they are just sadists of the lowest caliber. There is no limit to the evil the jews are capable of. Inflicting torment, torture, suffering and misery gives them pleasure. Left alone, cast out, that resort to doing it to each other. Dr. Mengele was a jewish doctor.
      Get ready for CBDC’s, wars, biowarfare, and full on invasion, oppression, repression and the total loss of all human rights especially freedom of religion.
      They will roll out the fake antichrist and his one world religion which will be SATANISM, the religion of the jews. Just Albert Pike (now burning in Hell) laid out in his letter to Mazzini.
      When you welcome in the devil, believe his lies, then they weaken you until they can go in for the kill.
      You have been weakened enough they are going in for the kill next.
      In the end, all the gentiles who served them in Freemasonry will be tortured and skinned alive once they have used up their usefulness.
      What does it profit a man to get all the wealth and power (and the truth about flat earth) in this world if it is at the cost of his soul?

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