DFlirt Published November 27, 2022
What is this new phenomenon? Videos are pouring in from across the world… animals walking in circles. Some say, it’s biblical.
Even the fish are swimming erratically.
But maybe there’s another explanation. You see, frequencies can have an effect on physiology. And they have known this for some time.
These animals walking in circles isn’t some kind of sign. They are reacting to a sudden change in frequency. Maybe 5G?
And maybe walking in circles is just the latest symptom of a recent and dramatic shift in frequency. Maybe it manifests differently in humans…
Or maybe it manifests the same.
So I am saying, maybe these animals walking in circles is just the latest manifestation of an increase or change in frequency… and maybe that change in frequency is really what kicked off this whole situation.
Or maybe I don’t know what I am talking about. You tell me.
Buy Me A Coffee
I’d go a step further in that it’s the toroid shift kicking in. Our “old” realm is nothing but toroid symbology, architecture and design. We travel along the toroid path in one direction until the frequency shifts/wraps back onto itself. Some people can handle the change, sometimes can’t and lose all sense of reason and rationale. Has anyone witnessed a massive side of crazy in the populace over the past decade plus?
The animals going in circles is a sign from God almighty.
It is symbolic, it means evolution higher has stopped for all creatures. This is the end, it means the devil=devolution has won. They are displaying the truth with their movements. To go in circles and get nowhere means the purpose of human life=to evolve higher is no longer an existing possibility. It means the end of the world, and the chance to evolve higher has come, the final judgment in May 2023. When the black sun will arrive for all who devolved.
It is a sign of the end of this age, and a beginning of 2 new ones: Hell for those who devolved lower, and Heaven for those who achieved evolution higher.
It is similar to death during a saturn return, due to the person’s inability to evolve any higher in their current incarnation.
Similarly, earth humans are in a world that will no longer allow any evolution higher, only lower, due to the total enslavement of the JEW world order, so it all must end now.
What you humans do not know and it keeps you from evolving is that animals are part of human evolution,
The meaning and purpose of life is to evolve HIGHER, in the image of God, the angels and saints=to become during one;’s incarnation, more evolved means to have a GREATER capacity to LOVE=and not to HATE or be selfish, to help and give to others what God needs us to do by our own hands on earth=his will, Love, truth peace and forgiveness, patience and kindness and unselfish giving out of LOVE for our fellow living creatures human and animal.Self sacrifice for others as Jesus Christ, our lord sacrificed for us.
It means that in the battle between God and the devil, who is the opposite of God, all HATE, punishment violence enslaving and dominating others by force and torture and destruction, no respect for anyone else but himself.CRUELTY and SADISM as theonly source of pleasure and ego gratification.
This battle is won by the choice human beings make, to devolve into the devil because that is their ideal to aspire to and emulate, for the sake of their HUMAN EGO.
Or to become Christlike.To follow and imitate Christ.LOVE as Christ loves.
The choices people have made have ended this battle.
It ends now because the majority of people chose the devil, the devil now reigns supreme on earth and he will make it impossible for anyone to ever evolve.
Not only has the devil made all that is evil and sinful and offends God LEGAL and acceptable. Or done without any punishment of the law.
The jew world order will next make the entire world a place where all that is good and christlike is illegal and punishable by death. No bibles, no belief in God at all.
They plan a social credit system to ensure, those who are of God and evolving are eliminated from society and get no credits=no money.
Only those who give up their souls, by accepting the technology of the brain and hand implants can exist and receive social credit.
When there is no possibility of evolution higher for anyone under Satan’s rule over the earth through his minions the jews, it ends.
That time is NOW.
A new earth for evolution higher=into more loving beings (not sex) LOVE like God loves us, will be prepared for the children of God.
There is only everlasting devolution into more HATE and fear based demons for those who enter eternal Hell.
During the last depression of 1929, everyone had money, the war made them rich. All these new companies were told by jewish ‘advisors’ (LIARS) they could become more wealthy if they cut the quality/cost of what they sell and cut the labor (fire people) to make others do the jobs of 2 people, they would get richer.
They fell for it. They fired people and then people had no money to buy their goods and services.
Then the depression began.
They are wiping out farms now because if it were not for the farms everyone would have starved to death. But farmers fed people, most people had a family farm to return to. They do not want that to happen again.
Instead they want you to be fighting and killing one another for them over food. That is their little plan, that is why they are removing all food, farms and food supplies. Because then you will flee to the false safety of their TRAPS, the FEMA camps and receive the mark of the beast in exchange for some food and water and clothing and shelter that will then be taken back after you accept the mark and sign in your own Blood a contract denouncing God and Christ and allegiance to the BEAST=antichrist.
They caused the depression so they could buy up all the communications industries, all publishing, magazines, newspapers, radio stations, school book publishing, TV, movies entertainment, etc.
The jews continue to have a monopoly on all publishing and communications media. So they could program people. to think as they do, like psychopaths.
In all books,movies and TV there is a good guy and a bad guy. BUT no one realizes they are both the same, both bad, doing the same exact evil to one another. One is just presented as the hero because he defeats the bad guy. Because he can present a false image of goodness, like the devil. Both sides are both the same devil. Just like your political parties and everything else. All of them break the 10 commandments over and over and all of them are nothing like Jesus Christ when they pretend to be the good guy. They are just better at winning by doing more evil that the bad guy can do. BUt no one sees that.
They glorify using the lord’s name in vain, fornication, all the ten commandments they break as entertainment, and fun, and all the seven deadly sins, as glamorous and cool. They are the antichrist, teaching you the exact opposite laws of God than Christ did. Following such fantasies will make you a psychopaths like the people who manufacture all the filth in the Hollywood movies and that will take you to Hell,
because they convince you evil is good.
The Devil’s a
same old tired lie he preaches over and over.
NEVER is Jesus depicted as he is. He is always just a joke. A fantasy who is impotent, boring stupid and and old news.
They will cause this next depression to BUY up and own the entire world and via WW3.Then the devil will make this world impossible for anyone to ever evolve higher again. They will make this world one with no HOPE of ever knowing God or his love exist again. They will make it HELL.
The devil made it with a series on congames and wars. You all fell for his lies. The holocaust was pivotal for his power grab over the world.
You allowed him power by believing his lies.
AND YES, the first fall of man was when you began to eat flesh of animals.
Animals are imperative to evolution higher. You must evolve through the animal world first to evolve into a human being. The Hindu religion knows that. They should not eat animals. Now everyone thinks eating animals is good. It stops evolution higher. WHat kind of love is killing animals? It is of the devil, Satan to do that. That is where you began to devolve.
Jesu taught to be vegetarian and so did Jesus when he came as Hitler, he was all about animal rights.
Because you all HATE Hitler and he was Jesus, you can no longer evolve higher. All it took was the lie about the holocaust.
That was your final nail in the coffin.
Most people see the devil as their ideal one they wish to emulate, to be more violent and powerful and dominating and to just fake that you are a good person. EGO or soul? Most people serve and gratify their EGO and have no use for their souls anymore. Without a soul, you cannot evolve higher.
When they bring out Musk’s neuralink and the vaXXXes and the mark of the beast digital ID, there will be no souls in those who accept that manipulation of their bodies which has one purpose only to take your souls and make you into demons like they (the jews) are.
It is over and it ends now to save those who have evolved. Those who know the devil is evil not good, who know the jews are demons from Hell and that Hitler was Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.
The music industry also has led you to hate and satan.
it is run by jews, all organizations and industries even the military and education and medicine, all are ruled over and used by the jews to destroy your souls and your desire to become Christlike and turn you into beings who think evil is good and seek to emulate their ideal which is now with the help of the jews SATAN.
The jews are con artists who steal everything they own, away from the gentiles who have souls.
You fall for all of their lies just as Adam and Eve did when they ended their evolution by eating animals and then babies serving Moloch Mammon the money system.
You keep doing the same thing perpetually.
You never learn.
What good are you to God if you would rather break every one of the 10 commandments of God as the hero does in the jew movies, and think yourself good by virtue of a false EGO, no soul?
Worshiping evil as good?
The devil programmed you to do it.
They the jews KILLED CHRIST, they can no longer evolve only devolve for that sin. They said let his blood be on our hands and our children’s hands forever and so they chose to devolve into demons which means having no souls, just EGO.
Now you worship and adore the jews and defend and serve them and allow them to take everything you once had, just like victims of the Nigerian con games and scams. You are no different than any idiot that falls for a jew con/scam. You fall for it by EGO. Just as Adam and Eve did, they did it to be Gods. To break with God’s plan for them to become God’s by doing the opposite=eating animals killing to live, as the devil suggested that led to the exact opposite, being cut off from God and his plan for them to evolve higher.
You are not Gods, you are here to evolve higher and as you evolve higher so does God, there is no beginning or end to evolution higher.
When you prevent animals from evolving into humans (evolution is spiritual) with reincarnation, by locking them up and slaughtering them, then you lose that option also, you will end up locked up and unable to evolve/reincarnate with what the devil is planning for you now.
No one in Hell has any opportunity to reincarnate and evolve again.
The jews can only pretend to be gods, they are lower lifeforms, devils, demons, not human. But you do their will and reject God and refuse to do God’s will.
There is no hope for anyone who has fallen for the con/scams of the devil-jews. Your belief in the holocaust lie/scam/power grab of the devil has finished the possibility of you having souls or being capable of evolution higher in the future=permanintly.
I feel sorry for you.
God did everything he could do to help you and save you.
Even sending his own son to give his life for your sins twice.
He will come again but only for those who knew him the second time.
To the goats on the left he will say” you never knew me and cast them into the lake of fire. The second death means eternal death-devolution lower and lower for eternity, like the jews and the fallen angels of Hell.
I know this is a total waste of my time. No one ever cares or believes me.
The same people who think I am lying or crazy and deluded, always believe the devil and his lies. I just do it for God. I do what God asks me to. The majority of people do not respond when God asks his people to do good on earth for others. BUT the devil, when he seeks god’s people/gentiles, to do his evil on earth has an abundance of people willing to serve him, and do evil for him especially if money or ego are included as a reward or a lure. That predicament is why the earth is such a hell hole.
The jews are here for one reason: to do their father the devil’s will on earth only, they have no choice. They have no free will. They must also do whatever God asks them to do if he does and must have God’s permission to do anything. God is testing all of you gentiles, who do you serve? God or Satan? Love or MONEY? EGO or your souls?
everything the devil tells you is a LIE.
But it is usually a lie you prefer to the truth, like there is no meaning to life, you just are born and then die. Or everyone gets a free ticket to heaven. Or God does not exist. Or Hell does not exist. You prefer lies to the truth most often. Like a big bang created all life. That is a really stupid and insipid idea.
Seek the truth and you will know everything, because God wants you to know the truth. believe the devil and you will never know any truth.
That is where humankind is now as a result of believing in the holocaust.
That lie led to all the other lies, from 9-11 to covid.
They are all a part of a long con game to take you from God for eternity.
When people are trapped by a con it is because their egos were stroked into believing the LIES of the con artists. Not their souls.
Your final choice is ego or soul, what do you value more?
EGO is a big fat lie. Your soul is the part of God he gave you to evolve into=to become a more loving evolved being in the image of God, when you die that you were when you were born, or in your past life. A blueprint for higher evolution. Without it you devolve into the ego lie the devil traps you with in his con games. That motivates you to serve him and forget about God and LOVE of others. It is self love, selfish self glory=narcissism, a terminal form of insanity that makes you devolve and thereby lose your soul forever.
The animals going in circles is a sign from God almighty.
It is symbolic, it means evolution higher has stopped for all creatures. This is the end, it means the devil=devolution has won. They are displaying the truth with their movements. To go in circles and get nowhere means the purpose of human life=to evolve higher is no longer an existing possibility. It means the end of the world, and the chance to evolve higher has come, the final judgment in May 2023. When the black sun will arrive for all who devolved.
It is a sign of the end of this age, and a beginning of 2 new ones: Hell for those who devolved lower, and Heaven for those who achieved evolution higher.
It is similar to death during a saturn return, due to the person’s inability to evolve any higher in their current incarnation.
Similarly, earth humans are in a world that will no longer allow any evolution higher, only lower, due to the total enslavement of the JEW world order, so it all must end now.
What you humans do not know and it keeps you from evolving is that animals are part of human evolution,
The meaning and purpose of life is to evolve HIGHER, in the image of God, the angels and saints=to become during one;’s incarnation, more evolved means to have a GREATER capacity to LOVE=and not to HATE or be selfish, to help and give to others what God needs us to do by our own hands on earth=his will, Love, truth peace and forgiveness, patience and kindness and unselfish giving out of LOVE for our fellow living creatures human and animal.Self sacrifice for others as Jesus Christ, our lord sacrificed for us.
It means that in the battle between God and the devil, who is the opposite of God, all HATE, punishment violence enslaving and dominating others by force and torture and destruction, no respect for anyone else but himself.CRUELTY and SADISM as theonly source of pleasure and ego gratification.
This battle is won by the choice human beings make, to devolve into the devil because that is their ideal to aspire to and emulate, for the sake of their HUMAN EGO.
Or to become Christlike.To follow and imitate Christ.LOVE as Christ loves.
The choices people have made have ended this battle.
It ends now because the majority of people chose the devil, the devil now reigns supreme on earth and he will make it impossible for anyone to ever evolve.
Not only has the devil made all that is evil and sinful and offends God LEGAL and acceptable. Or done without any punishment of the law.
The jew world order will next make the entire world a place where all that is good and christlike is illegal and punishable by death. No bibles, no belief in God at all.
They plan a social credit system to ensure, those who are of God and evolving are eliminated from society and get no credits=no money.
Only those who give up their souls, by accepting the technology of the brain and hand implants can exist and receive social credit.
When there is no possibility of evolution higher for anyone under Satan’s rule over the earth through his minions the jews, it ends.
That time is NOW.
This is coming in over a year late. You are virtually correct about everything, Jana.
I hope asking for forgiveness from the creator might save the dammed because there is only so much a souled being can take – history repeats itself with each generation left oblivious to resets and desensitized against challenging the narrative in public circulation while being in a convenient, egoistic position to look down on who does.
To find the cause of this phenomenon scientists must watch the behavior of homing pigeons and migrating birds.