Global Agenda – 10th Nov, 2020
I was sitting here watching John King this morning with one of CNN’s many White House correspondent’s and the old dude reporting from the White House calls John King’s Election Board – “The Magic Board”, as King is telling him that the MATH does not work out for Donald Trump after the election and Trump should resign to the fact that he lost he election to a washed-up career politician.
There is now starting to appear on-line many videos that are showing instancing where Republican votes are disappearing off their tally board’s and Democrat scores are gaining the votes that were being removed from the Republican totals.
This quickie video show’s two instants on election night when just before the polls were closed and stopped counting for the night Donald Trump lost 19,955 votes from his running tally and right at the same instant on John King’s ‘Magic Board’ Joe Biden increased his running tally by 19,958 votes. This happened in Pennsylvania. It appears that John King’s ‘Magic Board’ works in magical way’s for Joe Biden.
How many more times did this electronic ‘glitch’ cost Donald Trump 20,000 votes in Pennsylvania, let alone any other state? No wonder CNN called Biden’s Presidency from Philadelphia.
Operation Scoreboard and Hammer were working overtime for Biden last week.
This Election Fraud is more then just criminal, it is the work of a very Satanic Deep state.