The Massachusetts seventh-grader’s school forbade him from wearing the garment and a ‘censored’ version mocking its decision | 1 Jun, 2023 16:20

A Massachusetts district court denied a request on Wednesday from the lawyers of a 12-year-old student seeking to exercise his free speech rights by wearing a t-shirt reading “there are only two genders.”
The US District Court for the District of Massachusetts in Boston refused to grant a temporary injunction preventing Nichols Middle School from restricting seventh grader Liam Morrison’s freedom to express his views on gender while the court considers its final decision.
“Liam’s not asking to literally wear whatever he wants, but he is asking to do what other students are already allowed to do, which is express their view on this topic in a non-disruptive manner,” Alliance Defending Freedom legal counsel Logan Spena told Fox News on Thursday.
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