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    SGT Report – June 20th, 2022

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    1 thought on “U.S. Air Force General NAMES the TRAITORS & PLOT to DESTROY AMERICA”

    1. It is the jews and freemasonry
      The jews are the antichrist.
      If the gentiles of the world want to live and and not become animals ruled over by sadistic evil and insane elites and lose this final battle of Armageddon.
      If they don’t want to spend eternity in Hell, ruled over by jews then,
      The people of God must rise up and do what Jesus/Hitler showed us we need to do, or the evil antichrist and their freemasonic minions will persecute and execute all Christians in ww3 and win Armageddon.
      End the Jewish plot to enslave mankind under their satanic religion of evil domination total control of humans as animals and slaves for the jewish sadism.
      Know the devil for who it is, the jews.
      End freemasonry, and the jewish/satanic control of the money system.
      Make the jews live separate and have no dealing or any power over any gentiles, because it will always be the same, their evil plotting and planning to dominate, destroy and enslave us like “goyim” cattle.
      People with souls need to wake up and see the devil antichrist satanic jews for what they are: soulless and Godless worshipers of themselves as Gods.
      All jews and their freemasonry must be convicted of treason and crimes against humanity and sentenced to prison so they can never reproduce.
      Otherwise they will do the same to all Christians and then all gentiles in the NWO.

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