Wade Elinor – Dec 30, 2016
There Are No Satellites in Space! Just balloons above the Flat Earth.
PLANET VERITAS VIDEO: NA KARA CHANNEL: THERE ARE NO SATELLITES IN SPACE! JUST BALLOONS ABOVE THE FLAT EARTH. HERE’S THE LINK: . originally uploaded by the channel Na Kara titled There Are No Satellites in Space! Just balloons above the Flat Earth.
All the evidence is pointing South. It’s time to go South and find out what the global elite scum have been hiding from everyone. The earth is flat, we don’t live on .

I am not surprised that their are so many dumb people in the world. Bring it on flat earther. I can truly debunk every gormless claim you have. The Earth is flat. Good fucking god. What drugs are you people on. If its flat. Where are the edges. What’s underneath. How come their are tides. Get a fucking grip.