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The Storm Has Arrived! The Final Stage of Q’s Plan! Time to Release HRC Sex Tapes +++ Indictments!

    ChristianPatriotNews Published July 5, 2022

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    2 thoughts on “The Storm Has Arrived! The Final Stage of Q’s Plan! Time to Release HRC Sex Tapes +++ Indictments!”

    1. Until you all realize that the jews are the antichrist, and that you absolutely should despise all jews , you will lose this war. God is in control, he is testing you. As long as you accept and give power to the jews, you accept and worship the antichrist, and they win. It has always been a war between the devil and God for your souls. Any compliance or service to any jews is the loss of your souls for eternity. If you are pro jews, then you are an enemy of God, Christ, and all that is holy. It is that simple. This is the end and the final judgement. Are you with Christ or the antichrist jews. It will only get worse and worse for all of you with souls, until you learn that and resist the antichrist jews. They do not have souls and they are not of God, they belong to the fallen angels of Hell. Jesus came again as Hitler and showed you exactly what to do, but you refused and championed the antichrist instead, now he has you in his grip and will not let go. You fall for all the jewish lies. All evil comes from the jews. If you do not see the evil in all the jews push on you and convince you is acceptable, but is really antichrist and evil, you will be lost from God forever. Why do you think Hitler had jews working for him. He had complete control over them. The antichrist jews can do NOTHING without God’s permission. God completely controls the jews. He is using them to test you. It is serious.
      Until you follow Hitler and do what he did with the jews, which had NOTHING to do with Killing or exterminating any jews, it is all jew lies. He merely cast them out, as God cast out the fallen angels and contained them in a place where they could no longer do any harm to God’s own angels. You must do the same or the human race is finished. The time is almost up. The final judgement is coming very soon, before 2024, Jesus will return. If anyone loves the jews, worships or supports them serves them, or does not see the truth that they are the antichrist people, they will be cast into Hell with them for eternity. Only those who are of the TRUTH, will get to the next world.
      How you see the truth about the jews who are the enemies of God, your souls and all that is holy is the test. If you hate Hitler who was Jesus is the other part of the test, and he will say to many, “you never knew me”. Anyone who supports or accepts the jews in anyway, is the enemy of God. End of story.

    2. Capitalism is jewish.
      Capitalism and everything jewish is antichrist.

      They make you do all the work and then they take it all from you and keep it from you, all the fruits of your labor.
      That is where pride comes in.
      They allow a few middle class people to enjoy more rewards for their labor.
      But it is the ones who do the most work and the most important work that get the least from their labor.
      That is for the sin of pride, in being more wealthy, takes the soul of those who get paid more for less work.
      That is mystery Babylon the Great, a false model of what Capitalism is.
      China is the true model, of rich and poor and no middle class.
      It is jewish, satanic and antichrist.
      The communism of jewish Israel Russia and China is true Capitalism.
      It is the way of Hell, satanism, whow it is done in Hell.
      The top fallen angels, who have never been human, rule over the human demons once humans who lost their souls.
      It is the master slave/S&M, dominance and submission triangle/pyramid of top down dominance.
      It is the NWO they are working towards, the complete elimination of anything of God, or the natural laws of creation.

      The true way of God and what Jesus taught his disciples is sharing all equally, working all equally. NO PRIDE of the superior over the inferior.
      As long as you hold onto the Pride that money, science and materialism gives you as you compete against one another, the more you are on the wide road to Hell.
      Oneness and cooperation, unity, and brotherly love oneness of all human beings as a family of free and equal people working for the good of all, with no one getting any more or any less than anyone else from the fruits of the labor of all. That is what the Jews and their demonic money system stole from you. Oneness and your souls in the process of division against one another.
      That is what Jesus meant by a house divided shall fall.
      Fall like Adam and Eve did, devolve into soulless beings under the rulership of the demonic jews who are the antichrist.

      You all worship the money of the jews, and have become their slaves and lost everything, destroyed the earth and nature and broken all laws of creation and lost your souls in the process.

      Take back the earth and drive away all people who can not live by the laws of creation, the antichrist people. They are destroyers, you must learn to be co-creators with God and creation, to live in tune and harmony with the entire earth. As one people, under God. In true brotherhood and LOVE, be Christlike, imitators of Christ and dispense with all money and work as one family to provide for one another.

      What is happening now is your own fault. For fighting their wars and adopting their system the pyramid system of dominance and submission in separate classes of master slave relationships.
      You need to disengage from any domination by jews and their capitalism and re-establish the way of God and the laws of creation over this earth.

      Take back the earth and drive away all people who can not live by the laws of creation, the antichrist people. They are destroyers, you must learn to be co-creators with God and creation, to live in tune and harmony with the entire earth. As one people, under God. In true brotherhood and LOVE, be Christlike, imitators of Christ and dispense with all money and work as one family to provide for one another.

      God is going to destroy the money system and take all the jews and elite and freemasons from this earth. He will purify and cleanse everything that is of Hell from this earth and send it back to Hell where it belongs. Those of you who cling to the money system or any type of unequal system including the military, will go with them. All those who practice science, rather than the old ancient knowledge God gave to man will be eliminated with them.
      They do not care if everyone is starving and there is no food, because they plan on eating the only food they love, Human Beings, while they are still alive, flesh and blood.
      The treaty with eisenhower of 1956, gave them permission and the military has aided them to do it. In exchange for technology.
      That is when Isreal, began the global trade in Children, and adult sacrificial victims.
      Israel also control a false flag operations and hoax terrorism, to take your guns, meanwhile all Israelis are armed and dangerous to all and any life around them.

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