Ominous term usually reserved for Communist dictatorships
Paul Joseph Watson – 1 April, 2021
Students at Clearwater High School in Florida have been warned that they will be “re-educated” on the importance of wearing a mask if they are seen on school premises not wearing a face covering.

An advisory posted on the school’s website regarding face mask policy tells students, teachers, staff and any visitors that masks are mandatory on all school property as well as on school buses.
The section on “noncompliance” then spells out the punishment for anyone caught flouting the rules.
“The wearing of a face covering is a public health issue. Students who do not wear a mask when it is required (or refuse to do so), should first be reeducated on the importance of wearing a mask,” states the advisory.
“If after reeducation occurs, they still do not comply, the student’s administrator should be contacted,” it adds, outlining that parents will also be contacted and the student will be forced to switch to online learning if non-compliance continues.

The mask rule remains in place despite Florida Governor Ron DeSantis never issuing a statewide mask mandate and Florida being one of the states that has tried to keep COVID-19 lockdown restrictions to a minimum.
The term “re-education” is normally used in the context of involuntary political indoctrination and was a concept embraced by historical Communist dictatorships.
In its modern parlance, the term is applied to dissidents in authoritarian states such as North Korea and China, where political prisoners and minority groups are “re-educated” out of their anti-state beliefs through forced labor and indoctrination while imprisoned in “re-education camps.”
Leftists and authoritarians have repeatedly suggested that so-called “anti-vaxxers” and people who refuse to wear masks should be arrested and “re-educated” in government facilities.
Back in December 2019, we also highlighted how disgraced Lincoln Project founder Rick Wilson called for anti-vaxxers to be treated the same way and have their children taken away.
“Anti-vaxxers are a scourge and a strong argument for re-education camps, the immediate seizure of their property, and putting their children into protective custody,” tweeted Wilson.
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I think these people pushing masks when the data clearly shows that this is about control and is detrimental to the whole worlds health should be arrested for crimes against humanity. The information should be touted by all. Msm should all be arrested. Same with big tech and their lying so called fact checkers. This evil has gone on long enough.