The Marshall Report – January 28, 2021

A new, pro-Donald Trump ‘MAGA Patriot Party’ has filed official papers with the federal government in the State of Texas!
The Federal Election Commission on Monday posted a notice of organization on behalf of the “MAGA Patriot Party” in San Antonio, Texas. According to documents, the committee fundraises exclusively for the “Donald J. Trump for President” political action committee.”

President Trump is on the ticket! The MAGA Patriot Party! Remember the bankrupt corporation and its’ CEO is a foreign entity and can not over the sovereign nation that belongs to “We The People”. There will be a new election once things are in place and President Trump will be legally and officially elected for this 2nd term! There will be lots of new seats to fill for I have a filling a lot will soon be vacated. President Trump won 2020 by a landslide and he will win it again, this time with no cheaters and no foreign interference! MAGA PATRIOT PARTY NATIONAL COMMITTEE – committee overview | FEC

Get ready for the BEST PART OF THE SHOW! Remember our 2020 election was stolen by fraud committed by thieves domestic and by foreign nations – including the corporation in D.C.! They will not get to steal the highest office in the land and install a corrupt regime of lawlessness and get away with it. That’s not how Americans do things! Thieves are not rewarded … and all who were involved will be held responsible. I have not given up on the military doing their job to protect the constitution and we the people! They are America’s finest and they will be victorious!
Pray for our nation and keep the faith!
Dianne Marshall