So the jews of Israel who and Albert Bourla king of the jews and its presidents and the real owner of Pfizer get off scot free and most likely set up and used Randy the vice president as their scapegoat to take the heat from the get go? Here is the israel pfizer covenant written in the blood of their victims of premeditated genocide by vaccine. Also a whistleblower stated they paid employees huge money to not tell that there is radiation in the vaccines.
and also explains what a cockroach he is. I only hope that Randy spills his guts for immunity and throws the ‘majestic’ king of all the cockroaches, under the bus.
They always blame the gentiles or Hitler or some flunky for all of their crimes.
So the jews of Israel who and Albert Bourla king of the jews and its presidents and the real owner of Pfizer get off scot free and most likely set up and used Randy the vice president as their scapegoat to take the heat from the get go? Here is the israel pfizer covenant written in the blood of their victims of premeditated genocide by vaccine. Also a whistleblower stated they paid employees huge money to not tell that there is radiation in the vaccines.
and also explains what a cockroach he is. I only hope that Randy spills his guts for immunity and throws the ‘majestic’ king of all the cockroaches, under the bus.
They always blame the gentiles or Hitler or some flunky for all of their crimes.