SGT Report – August 12th, 2021
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Professor John Bell was knighted by the queen for his contributions to “medicine” and he’s delivering on his blood oath to his illuminati handlers. Listen as he speaks the truth about the nefarious intent of the experimental mRNA “vaccine”. Also, the FDA gets an earful from a truth teller. Thanks for tuning in.
Hegelian Dialectic
Create Crisis
Which creates fear
Implement pre planned “solution”
Shame all dissenters
Silence all opposing information
Works every time.
Exactly! Problem,Reaction,Solution
sterilize. I think he’s referring to sterilizing the population from covid
The spike proteins attach to th Ace2 receptors especially the ovaries and placenta causing excessive bleeding. Also the testes in men. Besides all other organs and brain.
Pray your sheriffs are constitutional.