Jamie White – December 23rd 2020, 5:44 pm

The Chinese Communist Party has infiltrated the U.S. government so deeply that even President Trump is nearly unable to find people to trust in his own administration, claimed firebrand attorney Lin Wood.
Wood explained in a wide-ranging interview on The Epoch Times‘ “Crossroads” Monday why he believes the Chinese Communist Party has taken control of the U.S. government amid the election fraud chaos marring the nation.
“I believe that the Communist Party has infiltrated this country,” Wood said. “I think they’e done it over the course of the past two or three decades — just like they’ve said they would.”
“I believe we’ve been infiltrated by ideology, by corruption, Chinese money – take a look at Georgia, it’s overflowing in our State government with people connected to Chinese money – or even by blackmail. These are the tactics of the communist party in China.”
Wood explained that the widespread infiltration has reached the top echelons of the federal government, which is isolating Trump from good counsel.
“So they are in effect, I believe, almost in control of people that are running this country,” the Georgia-based attorney said.
“I believe the president of the United States is struggling to find out who, in his own staff, he can trust,” he added.
Wood’s remarks dovetail with attorney Sidney Powell’s recent comments claiming after her meeting at the White House that Trump’s advisors are “misleading” him and “not serving him well under any, shape, or form.”
“The president isn’t being well-represented all,” Powell said Wednesday. “In fact, I think everyone around him is misrepresenting him and misleading him and not serving him well under any, shape, or form.”
“Because he has the absolute authority under the executive order entered in 2018 on election security that already declared a state of emergency for it and cites all the relevant statutes and authorities that he can use to secure the voting machines that need to be assessed around the country…appoint a special counsel to oversee it all, and get that done right now.”
President Trump must be considering Powell’s advice, because he signaled on Twitter Wednesday evening that a special counsel must be appointed to investigate the 2020 election fraud, which outgoing Attorney General William Barr has said he would not do while in office.