The images of war in the video taken from Telegram are emotionally stirring, all the more so because of the accompanying music, which is ‘The Sound of Silence,’ written by Paul SIMON. The exquisite version of this song in the video is by performed by the group Disturbed, whose lead singer, David Draiman, was born to Jewish parents, was educated in Orthodox Jewish schools and developed his incredible singing talent by training to be a cantor. How ironic, given the disgusting, hateful, hate-mongering images presented on the same page as the video, proving that anti-semitism and ignorance go together like piss and turd.
The images of war in the video taken from Telegram are emotionally stirring, all the more so because of the accompanying music, which is ‘The Sound of Silence,’ written by Paul SIMON. The exquisite version of this song in the video is by performed by the group Disturbed, whose lead singer, David Draiman, was born to Jewish parents, was educated in Orthodox Jewish schools and developed his incredible singing talent by training to be a cantor. How ironic, given the disgusting, hateful, hate-mongering images presented on the same page as the video, proving that anti-semitism and ignorance go together like piss and turd.