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Fauci Funded Torturous Flesh Eating Parasite Experiments On Beagle Puppies

    Jim_Crenshaw – August 7th, 2021

    We need to do with the same thing with Fauci. What a piece of shit this bastard Fauci is. I hate this criminal asshole. He does not care about us any more than he does dogs. Think about it.
    Lab-WE CAN ONLY TEST FOR COVID NOT FOR VARIANTS-how do they know there is a Delta Variant “surge”?:
    Source: CamelotDaily


    1 thought on “Fauci Funded Torturous Flesh Eating Parasite Experiments On Beagle Puppies”

    1. Fauci, CDC, WHO, B Gates foundation elites all rogue governments with the Build Back Better = 666 all signed on for depopulation program and enslavement of humanity along sterization of the vaxxed for the New World Order. However, judgement is coming, their God Lucifer has over played their hand. Pray.

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