A secretive arm of China’s Communist Party is working to influence every aspect of Aussie life, from politics to business, a shock report reveals.
Source: Shannon Molloy news.com.au
Operatives from a secretive arm of the Chinese Communist Party are on a mission to infiltrate and influence almost every aspect of Australian life, from politics and business to the media.
That’s the conclusion of a shocking new report about the work of agents and their recruits, whose goals range from the commercial to the downright sinister.
Analysis from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) examined the operation of the United Front, which Chinese President Xi Jinping once described as his “magic weapon”, whose tentacles already spread through our universities, corporations and parliaments.
“United Front(’s) work encompasses a broad spectrum of activity, from espionage to foreign interference, influence and engagement,” ASPI report author Alex Joske said.
“The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) attempts to interfere in diaspora communities, influence political systems and covertly access valuable and sensitive technology will only grow as tensions between China and countries around the world develop.”