Warns that’s a “best case scenario”.
Paul Joseph Watson – 7 October, 2020
Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates says that life will only return to “normal” once there is widespread adoption of a coronavirus vaccine and that this will not happen until the end of 2021 at the earliest.
Gates said that the end of 2021 is a “best case scenario” and that it remains unknown whether a successful vaccine will even be produced.
“We still don’t know whether these vaccines will succeed,” said the Microsoft founder. “Now the capacity will take time to ramp up. And so the allocation within the US, and between the US and other countries will be a very top point of contention.”
Despite positive signs in the development of vaccines in Russia and China, Gates doubted whether these would ever be made available internationally.
“The Western companies are further ahead on doing these Phase III studies and so if those come out well and they’re offered at low cost, I doubt there’ll be a lot of Russian or Chinese vaccines going outside of those countries,” he said.
As we previously highlighted, a CNN article published last week asserted that life will never return to normal and that the “new normal” will be a world of mandatory coronavirus restrictions such as wearing face masks.
Along with other social distancing measures, CNN international security editor Nick Paton Walsh said that the mandatory wearing of masks will become “permanent,” “just part of life,” and that the public would need to “come to terms with it.”
Meanwhile, a World Bank COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program document suggested that the Bank’s COVID-19 program would only end in March 2025, more than four years away from our current date.