The headlines in an article posted on July 10th 2020 by Sarah McPhee,Ben Graham and Ally Foster stated that ‘Remdesivir approved as first Australian virus treatment option’.
The following is an excerpt from the article:
Remdesivir has been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration as the first Australian treatment option for severe cases of COVID-19.
However it can only be used in adults and adolescents in hospital with severe infections. It will not be available to people unless they are “severely unwell, requiring oxygen or high level support to breathe, and in hospital care,” the agency warned.
It comes as NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard flagged a “troubling” virus case where a Victorian man tested positive for COVID-19 after travelling to Sydney’s south. The man drove from Melbourne only July 7 and reportedly stayed in a caravan park in the Sutherland area.
Meanwhile two new COVID-19 cases were linked to a Sydney pub, sparking fears of a possible outbreak. Chief medical officer Kerry Chant said there is a “strong possibility” the two cases were picked up from another person who was at the pub in Casula that day.
On one hand i was not surprised to see that a ‘virus treatment’ was so quickly approved & on the other hand, I found it very disturbing.
Apart from the obvious questions like, how did they manage to find a ‘treatment’ so quickly? What evidence do they have that it actually works? How was this approved so rapidly? What testing was done? How was it tested? Was it tested on animals or on people or other? Is it safe? Why can it only be administered to people with severe cases of COVID-19 or unless they are “severely unwell, requiring oxygen or high level support to breathe, and in hospital care”? If it can treat the virus, why limit it to only people with severe cases?
Could it be that the hospitals that diagnose and/or have placed respirators on suspected covid patients are financially benefiting for every case diagnosed as COVID?
This is exactly what has been happening in the U.S.,with many hospital staff, including surgeons, doctors, nurses & admin staff have come forward claiming that for every patient that they diagnose, the hospital receives a financial reward of US$13,000. If they place a patient on a ventilator, that figure increases to US$39000.
With hospitals already struggling to stay afloat, is it such a long-shot to suspect that some hospitals may ‘rort’ the system?
Not only are the hospitals claiming for covid diagnosis & application of ventilators, but the doctors are also being pressured to enter COVID-19 as the cause of death for patients that have been diagnosed to have died with COVID-19 and not from it. I also suspect that many people that have died without the virus have also had their cause of death marked as COVID-19. This is not only beneficial to keep the death by covid numbers artificially high, but also keeps the hospitals in a good light to the powers that be. In other words, we will do as we are told & claim false covid deaths as long as you keep financially rewarding us for our covid diagnosis & treatments. Without being in the know, I would also suspect that hospitals may also receive a financial reward for death by covid claims
Hospitals Getting Paid to Mark Patients as COVID-19?
Is it really that unreasonable to assume that the hospitals are also ‘cashing-in’ on the ‘Remdesivir treatment’? As stated in their article, “However it can only be used in adults and adolescents in hospital with severe infections. It will not be available to people unless they are “severely unwell, requiring oxygen or high level support to breathe, and in hospital care,” the agency warned.
Before you recommend Remdesivir to your friends & family please review the videos below.
Remdesivir Exposed as Fauci Fraud, Rioters Offered Free COVID Testing
Remdesivir Trial Results SCANDAL with World Health Organization (WHO) Coronavirus Treatment Results
So, I ask you, do you think that this may be a step towards forced vaccinations?
Who Benefits?
Pharma will cut corners and panicked authorities will guillotine approvals for any half-assed vaccine in the rush for profits, causing lots of human collateral damage.
As pressure on governments mount to “do something” to protect the kids, elderly, front-line workers – hell, everyone – all sorts of crazy drugs will be peddled as a cure.
We’re all set to be rats in one big laboratory experiment.
The repercussions will be horrifying.
Welcome to Planet Jab:
No jab, no job.
No jab, no .gov cheque.
No jab, no boarding aircraft.
No jab, no crossing state borders.
No jab… no nothing.
Unfortunately, I happen to agree with you.
I believe that this is the globalists ‘final push’ at achieving their ultimate objective, of a one world government.
What we are seeing today is just the beginning.
Ofcourse, they will always use their trusty ‘ tried & proven ‘ method of Problem, Reaction, Solution. Firstly, create the problem (virus pandemic), Secondly, wait for the people to start ‘begging’ them for help and finally have the ‘solution’ (vaccine) ready.
They ofcourse can’t be seen to have a vaccine ready too soon as this would raise way too many questions.
I just wonder, for how mush longer before the people start saying, “enough is enough”?