Jim Crenshaw – June 28th, 2022
If enough of these poor people pile up will that cause a wake up?
Source: JBossman008 on 153news.net
Jim Crenshaw – June 28th, 2022
If enough of these poor people pile up will that cause a wake up?
Source: JBossman008 on 153news.net
The Vaccine test is over, the people of God and those of the devil have been separated.
What is coming next will be much worse than than the VaXXX.
June 1, 2012 – The 666 will be embedded, its hidden number, in a chip that you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination.
My dearest daughter , the antichrist is already preparing the peace plan that he will present immediately after the war spreads in the Middle East, when pain and terrible anguish make one think that there is no longer any hope.
Then he will suddenly appear and announce himself to the world as a man of peace, a luminous jewel that sparkles in the midst of darkness.
As he unfolds he will be seen as one of the most charismatic political leaders of all time.
Her beautiful, endearing and caring personality will fool most people.
He will exude love and compassion and appear to be a Christian. Over time he will attract many followers, who will multiply in number, so that he will become like Me, the Messiah.
They will see him promote unity among all nations, and he will be loved in nearly every country in the world.
Then he will demonstrate that he has supernatural abilities. Many will believe that he was sent by My Father and that he is Myself, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
They will pray to him, they will love him, they will lay down their lives for him, while he will laugh and make fun of them when they cannot see him.
This will be the greatest deception of all time and the plan is to steal your souls, to take you away from Me.
He and the False Prophet, who will sit as a King on the Throne of Peter, will secretly plan one world religion.
This will appear as a type of Christian religion that promotes love. However, it will not promote the mutual love that comes from God. In reality it will encourage love and fidelity to the antichrist and selfish love.
The abomination will not stop there: it is when they have seduced the children of God that the attack will begin.
Suddenly, everyone will be asked to accept the Worldwide Mark of Loyalty. A united world, in which all men must participate.
It will control your money, your access to food and your way of life.
Rules, many, that will make you prisoners. The key to your chip, which keeps you in their control, will be the Mark of the Beast.
The 666 will be embedded, as a hidden number, in a chip that you will be forced to accept just like you would with a vaccination.
Once incorporated it will poison not only your mind and soul, but your body as well.
It will cause a plague destined to wipe out much of the world’s population.
You do not have to accept the Trademark. Instead I will tell you what to do.
Many will accept the brand because they feel helpless.
The Seal of the Living God, My Crusade Prayer (33) , is your anchor of salvation.
When you receive My Seal of protection, given by My Eternal Father, you will not have to accept the mark.
You will not be touched. Your home will not be seen or sought, nor will it become a target because it will be made invisible to the eyes of Satan’s army.
You will need to keep some food hidden which will last a few years. You will need to personally provide for your crops, store your water and keep all Sacred items around you.
The Rest of My Church will grow and spread, and you will be given shelter if necessary.
A lot of planning is needed now.
Those who laugh at what you do, or say: “Would Jesus ever ask you to do this? Does he not provide for his faithful ones in their time of need? Even a single bread and a single fish can be multiplied “.
So it doesn’t matter if you have little food, I will protect you and you will be safe.
Pray intensely for those souls who will not be able to avoid the Mark.
Those innocent souls will be saved who, upon being forced to accept the chip, will find themselves in a state of grace.
The rest of you must plan how to protect your families and your fidelity to the Holy Eucharist and to the Mass.
When the antichrist devours all religions, the only weapons against which he will be powerless will be the Holy Mass and the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood into the Holy Eucharist.
My Masses must continue. Those of you who know this must gather now and begin the preparations.
The sooner you begin the preparations, the more graces will be given to you for growing your ranks around the world.
The Rock will be charged with a new building, which they will say is My New Temple. But this is false.
But when the persecution ends , the Rest of My Church and My Chosen People will have rebuilt the Temple, and My New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven.
It will come down in glory. Trumpets will be heard in heaven and on earth at the same time.
And then I will come. You, My daughter, will herald My arrival and many will fall to the ground and cry with relief, love and joy, in ecstasy.
Because, in the end, the long-awaited moment has come. The skies will light up, the thunder will ring and the choirs of angels will sing in sweet unison, while all the children of God will welcome the true Messiah.
I, Jesus Christ will come to judge. And the Heavens and the Earth will become one.
The splendor of the New Glory, the renewed earth, will emerge, and the New Paradise will embrace all whose names are in the book of the living, who will become one.
And while the end of the old earth, stained with the stain of sin, will have come to an end, the New Era will only be at the beginning.
This is what you must strive for. This is what you are entitled to, as part of your natural heritage.
Concentrate only on the salvation of all souls.
This is why you must ignore the obstacles that will present themselves to you. The persecution. Pain. The horror of evil created by the hands of others. The only thing that matters is the salvation of souls. Your Savior Jesus Christ.
from this italian website: http://www.librodellaverita.com/messaggi/CHIP%20666.html
November 26, 2010 – The global plan to impoverish the world population and overthrow the world rulers.
The plans to start the war. A perverse design, developed by world powers, is being planned to orchestrate a war with the deliberate intention of reducing the world population. Pray, pray now to help limit the extent of the damage these evil people want to cause on Earth. Their stupid alliance with the seducer indicates that due to the satanic powers they possess, being under the influence of the evil one,
We have to see the truth, that it will not stop with the VaXXX
the mark of the beast will kill many people and their souls.
Then the elite’s weapon of choice will be War.
With it, a war and persecution against all Christians.
13 October 2012, – Then, there will be the introduction of a global vaccination that will kill you if you accept it.
My most beloved daughter, the prophecies foretold at Fatima are now beginning to manifest themselves in the world.
The governments of the one world order, created in those nations that are working together relentlessly, have almost completed their project which will soon be presented to the world.
In its wake will be the new world religion, an abomination in the eyes of My Father.
My Church has been infiltrated within it by the enemies who are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They deceive everyone they come in contact with.
Then there will be the introduction of a global vaccination that will kill you if you accept it.
This is a time when only prayer, and in large quantities, can lessen the impact of this terrible evil created by an elite group of people in power.
They work in every part of your governments and those who work side by side with them every day know what they are doing.
They are so cunning that they will present every perverse action as a great thing, a great service to humanity. They will do everything possible to desecrate everything that has to do with God.
They will spread and promote paganism. And the children of God who will accept their laws and their teachings will become haunted by their perverse ways.
You have to pray for your protection, but, above all, you have to pray for these souls. Because My Father wants to punish them. He will target each of them and destroy them. Without your prayers they will be lost and thrown into the lake of fire. Your Jesus.
November 9, 2012 – This vaccination will be poison and will be presented as part of a worldwide health insurance plan.
November 26, 2010 – The global plan to impoverish the world population and overthrow the world rulers.
The plans to start the war. A perverse design, developed by world powers, is being planned to orchestrate a war with the deliberate intention of reducing the world population. Pray, pray now to help limit the extent of the damage these evil people want to cause on Earth. Their stupid alliance with the seducer indicates that due to the satanic powers they possess, being under the influence of the evil one,