Gateway Pundit | By ProTrumpNews Staff Published December 17, 2022 at 5:00pm

According to an analysis from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, an extra 15,400 Australians died in the first four months of 2022.
Around one-third of these deaths have no link to COVID.
The Australian government should be urgently investigating the “incredibly high” 13% excess death rate in 2022, the country’s peak actuarial body says.
An extra 15,400 people died in the first eight months of the year, according to a new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics (“ABS”) data by the Actuaries Institute, with around one-third of those having no link to Covid.
Karen Cutter, an actuary of more than 25 years and spokeswoman for the institute’s Covid-19 Mortality Working Group, said 13% was an “incredibly high number for mortality” and that it was “not clear” what was driving the increase. “Mortality doesn’t normally vary by more than 1% to 2%, so 13% is way higher than normal levels,” she said.
Larry Schweikart said this data is going to begin to come into the public debate.
He expects red state legislatures to begin to rebel against the narrative once the data comes out.
1) Ok, so I’m starting to see how this will play out world wide.
2) First, undeniable & unavoidable data from insurance companies & morticians will enter the public debate. Can’t be excluded.
3) Insurance companies (for financial reasons) & morticians (for both liability & record keeping) are going to push the data into the public sphere. It can’t be excluded.
4) Whether through laws or through judicial rulings, we will get to the point where someone says, “No, the insurance companies aren’t on the hook because they were defrauded.”
5) That will work its way up the chain.
6) Red-state legislatures will slowly rebel vs THE MESSAGE
7) Realize, as @Robert_Barnes said, really all it takes is one breakthrough where fraud is proven & the whole house of cards based on immunity collapses.
Immunity doesn’t protect from fraud.
8) Then the defenses start. Defense #1, “We didn’t know/we were lied to” as the lower tiers pass the buck upwards. Defense #2 will be the Nuremberg defense, “We were just doing what the gument/Dr. Fallacy/the governor told us to do.”
9) None of this will happen immediately.
10) But it is increasingly clear it WILL HAPPEN. The only question is how far will the gubment/society go to assign blame for the fraud; who pays & how much? and how many will make full-throated mea culpas and throw themselves on the mercy of the public for killing granny & kids.
Meanwhile, the mainstream press is silent about this.
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