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1.25.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #35: Military In Control

    PatriotStreetfighter Published January 25, 2021

    Rumble — Youtube ran from the battlefield and took their platform with them. Patriot Streetfighter Channels down and


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    AWK NEWS…The Movie, The Final Act


    9 thoughts on “1.25.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #35: Military In Control”

    1. Scott, how are people supposed to wake up when they’re still watching the lying, corrupt media? If they continue to do it, they’ll never wake up! And you have to understand, we the people are scared to death, of course we want them to move on this! If they continue to drag their feet, all it’s going to do is start a civil war! I am fully awake, I try to tell as many as I can about what’s really going on, but they don’t believe it! How can you make them believe? This is not as easy as many think it is.

      1. Are we to buy body armor and load out gear?? Do we just stay behind keey board?
        How we going clean up our voteing so not getting taken over by the Elite?????

    2. Hi Scott, I agree with Barbara, The media needs to be taken down, the truth needs to be shown to people, If the military takes action now, they can show everyone what has been going on through truthful media and what the evil politicians were planning, then they will all wake up and be very grateful to the Military. But as long as the lying media is still allowed on tv, people are not going to change their way of thinking. Expose the truth, the fraud, the lies, show the videos, that will wake everyone up.

    3. Love your show Scott–boy i had such a hard time finding u last night n today finally got u–i figured something happened–

    4. If Biden is NOT president right? How can his executive orders come to fruiton–i thought they didn’t mean anything and since he is NOT president they SHOULD not mean anything right? I know he is NOT president and can’t wait 4 my president Trump comes back he might be able 2 have 8 years instead of 4 i will be so very happy—-I DO have patience and i can wait for as long as it takes—I want 2 say THANKS 2 U I have been sleeping better since i found your show! TRUMP is the best president we have EVER had–patriots 2021 FOREVER!

    5. I’ve been in the fight for decades. We have been patient and allowed this country to be taken hostage by corrupt criminal thugs. So yea I’m a little impatient. How are we supposed to have faith in anything when Biden is destroying everything Trump did? My daughters are both military officers and the diversity and transgender bullshit has already been flowed down the ranks from Biden’s EO,s. So how are we supposed to believe anything when we know the election was stolen. Stop trying to blame the people. Liberals will never see our side. And when I see Kaleigh Maceneny join Fox News that’s a slap on the face to all of us that stood by the Trump administration. Fox is a corrupt organization and I will never watch regardless of who is on it. We’ve been patient for years and your excuses are BS! So we all sit by and not complain while conservatives are targeted and illegally harassed , censored, fired, destroyed. But ok let’s wait until everyone is in kumbaya and by then we will have no guns no rights and no country! Im done being patronized by someone that obviously has no clue but making excuses by throwing it back on us. Trump could’ve done so much more but he didn’t. He should have pardoned Assange but he didn’t.

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